Source code for optimatic.optimisers.differential_evolution

Implements Differential Evolution to find the minimum of a function
:math:`f:\mathbb{R}^n \\rightarrow \mathbb{R}`. See

from optimatic.optimisers.optimiser_base import Optimiser as OptimiserBase
from optimatic.exceptions import DidNotConvergeException
from copy import copy, deepcopy
import random
import numpy as np

[docs]class Optimiser(OptimiserBase): """ :param f: The function being optimised :param search: The min/max value in each dimension to search in. This should be provided as a nummpy array of the format :code:`[[x_min, x_max], [y_min, y_max], ..]`, where :math:`[x_{min}, x_{max}]` is the search space in the :math:`x` dimension, etc. This should be of length :math:`n`. :param cr: Crossover probability :param F: Differential weight :param NP: Number of agents to use :param precision: Algorithm will stop when :math:`||\mathbf{x}_n - \mathbf{x}_{n-1}|| < \\text{precision}`, where :math:`\mathbf{x}_n` and :math:`\mathbf{x}_{n-1}` are the positions of the two agents closest to the minimum. :param steps: Max number of iterations to perform """ def __init__(self, f, search, cr, F, NP, precision=1e-7, steps=10000): super(Optimiser, self).__init__(f, 0.0, precision=precision, steps=steps) if not search.shape[1] == 2: raise ValueError("Search array must be of shape (d,2)") elif not cr >= 0.0 and cr <= 1.0: raise ValueError("cr is a probability so must be between 0 and 1") elif not F >= 0.0 and F <= 2.0: raise ValueError("F must be between 0 and 2") elif not NP >= 4 and not NP == int(NP): raise ValueError("NP must be a integer between 0 and 4") self.dims = search.shape[0] # == len(search) = search = cr self.F = F self.agents = [Agent(self.dims, search, self) for _ in range(NP)]
[docs] def step(self): for index, agent in enumerate(self.agents): agents = copy(self.agents) agents.remove(agent) new_agent = deepcopy(agent) # Select 3 random agents selected = np.random.choice(agents, size=3, replace=False) # Calculate the new position of the agent based on the DE algorithm R = np.random.randint(0, high=self.dims+1) for i in range(self.dims): r_i = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=1) if r_i < or i == R: new_pos = selected[0].position[i] + self.F * \ (selected[1].position[i] - selected[2].position[i]) # Ensure agents stay within the search space if new_pos <[i][0]: new_pos =[i][0] elif new_pos >[i][1]: new_pos =[i][1] new_agent.position[i] = new_pos else: new_agent.position[i] = agent.position[i] # Calculate the value of the function at the agent's new position new_value = self.f(*new_agent.position) if new_value < agent.value: # Update the agent if the new position is better than the old new_agent.value = new_value self.agents[index] = new_agent # Set the best and worst agents to x_n and x_{n-1} self.agents.sort(key=lambda a: a.value) self.xn = self.agents[0].position self.xn_1 = self.agents[-1].position
[docs] def optimise(self): super(Optimiser, self).optimise() is_at_boundary = True for i in range(self.dims): is_at_boundary = is_at_boundary and \ (self.xn[i] ==[i][0] or \ self.xn[i] ==[i][1]) if is_at_boundary: msg = "Agent reached edge of search space: {}".format(self.xn) raise DidNotConvergeException(msg) return self.xn
[docs]class Agent(object): def __init__(self, dims, search, parent): self.position = np.zeros(dims) for i in range(dims): self.position[i] = np.random.uniform(*search[i]) self.value = parent.f(*self.position) def __str__(self): return "({}): {}".format(self.position, self.value)