optimatic.utils package


optimatic.utils.differentiate module

Numerical differentiation

optimatic.utils.differentiate.central_diff(f, h, epsilon=0.0001)[source]

Calculates the value of \(f^{\prime}(x=h)\) using the central difference method:

\[f^{\prime}(h) \approx \frac{f(h + \epsilon) - f(h - \epsilon)} {2 \epsilon}\]
  • f – The function to differentiate
  • h – The value to evaluate the derivative at
  • epsilon – The value to use for epsilon
optimatic.utils.differentiate.forward_diff(f, h, epsilon=0.0001)[source]

Calculates the value of \(f^{\prime}(x=h)\) using the foward difference method:

\[f^{\prime}(h) \approx \frac{f(h + \epsilon) - f(h)}{\epsilon}\]
  • f – The function to differentiate
  • h – The value to evaluate the derivative at
  • epsilon – The value to use for epsilon

optimatic.utils.generate module

Methods for generating data to fit using optimisation algorithms

optimatic.utils.generate.random_polynomial(degree, x, scale=5, noisy=True)[source]

Generates a polynomial of the given degree with random coefficients, then adds some noise.

  • degree – The degree of the polynomial to generate
  • x – An array of x values to evaluate the polynomial \(y(x)\) at
  • scale – The stdev of the normal distribution from which the parameters wil be sampled
  • noisy – Whether or not to add noise to the generated data. If true, noise will be sampled from a normal distribution with stdev scale/2
Return y:

The generated data points

Return coefficients:

The coefficients of the polynomial

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